Our small niche in this big country had perfect weather a couple of weekends ago.
My daughter was home from grad school for a few days, and one of the things that she wanted to do was to go sailing. Though this is one of our family's favorite activities, it was impossible for me to go on this particular outing, but I enjoyed it vicariously nonetheless.
Happily off to the lake they went with sun screen and a picnic basket in hand. Arriving at the ramp they saw a few boats on the lake, and several still at the docks. Because many people like to come up later on holidays for moonlight cruises, it meant less boats on the lake which = fewer boats to watch out for.

Down the ramp to the boat they went and prepared to cast off.

Sails aloft and they were on their way.

Among the boats on the lake were small sail boats,

house boats (Many years ago I spent a couple of nights on a house boat. What fun - the water was literally at your feet. We cooked on the decked and cruised around under the stars at night.),

catamarans (This type of sail boat has a double hull. When there is much wind you help keep the boat flatter on the water by standing (hiking out) on the side that is up out of the water. You wear a harness and you feel as though you are flying - if the water is not too choppy. If it is, the shade of band aids is your preference.),

and long, sleek sail boats.

Due to such a short visit, my daughter was allowed to be at the helm as much as she wanted.

She has been sailing since she was a wee babe, and she still finds it necessary for these?

Her brother helped her look out for other boats,

and Dad just sat back and relaxed. Sometimes it is nice when the kids can take over.
Actually, I think he always has an eye on what is going on.

Well, our young lass still had homework to tackle so it was time to sail back to the dock, take the sails down, and say goodbye to our boat.

I hope you had a nice weekend, and found a place to sit, relax and enjoy life.